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Thursday, 20 April 2017 08:15

Conveyancer Connect Linking You To A Solicitor | Homebuyer Conveyancing

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Use the Homebuyer Conveyancing connect service when moving house and remortgaging. 

Conveyancing Comparison

Moving house, remortgaging or investing in buy to let then you need to review the conveyancing market ideally in just one search.

Compare conveyancing from members of the Homebuyer panel without entering any personal details. Your easy to use, total sum property legals calculator, conveyance link.

We provide a Conveyancer connect service which is impartial and where your specialist quotes are fully inclusive, transparent, covering your local, cheapest legal fees and disbursements that are applicable to your property transaction.

Local Conveyancer Connect Call Back Service

Instantly find like for like results from members of the National Homebuyer panel. Get to grips with your total costs. When ready make use of the impartial Local Conveyancer connect call back service. Working for you, in your time. 

Moving House, Remortgaging Property Legals

The majority of Homeowners before they instruct a Solicitor connect with a Mortgage Broker that covers the whole of market Mortgage Lender loans.

The Broker will search the market looking for the mortgage loan deal that meets their clients needs. The cost is important and unraveling the maze of what a mortgage loan actually costs over the term can take time.

Their Client may have been online already and tried to determine a suitable mortgage rates, the cheapest deal but then suddenly realised that they can't do this alone. A whole of market Mortgage Broker is the best way forward.

It is important that the Homebuyer makes a note on who the Mortgage Lender is that is potentially providing the best mortgage loan deal.

The Mortgage Broker may recommend a Lawyer.

Connect To An Independent Conveyancer

The good news is that the Homebuyer can go online and check out what alternatives there are, to the Broker recommended Conveyancer, by using the Homebuyer sale and purchase Conveyancing calculator, conveyance link service. A no hassle comparison service that helps Homebuyers, Sellers to look at quotations without having to enter their personal details. 

The Homebuyer can now decide to move with their Mortgage Solicitor or decide to use a Homebuyer Lawyer that is already approved by the Mortgage Lender.

The Homebuyer comparison service provides the savvy Buyer, Seller with the search filters, so that they can get total sum quotes, in their own time, from the National Homebuyer members by cheapest, local or by Mortgage Lender.

Instructing A Homebuyer Conveyancer

Homebuyers use the easy to use Homebuyer Calculator. They view accurate quotes by price, location and by lender. When ready they take a quote away and schedule a direct call back from their chosen Conveyancer. Both the Conveyancer and the Homebuyer receive the requested call back time information. 

The Homebuyer knows that when they receive the timed call, that their chosen Solicitor will have in front of them all their details. No confusion and a meaningful discussion can take place for the Homebuyer, potential Solicitor client to ask any questions, if specific deadlines are achievable and how to proceed.

A Helping Hand To Moving House

The Homebuyer may have ticked the boxes whereby they can if they wish, take out a Buyers Protect insurance policy and a Flexi Smart Contingency House Insurance Policy. No obligation exists if they have simply ticked the boxes. Both Policies can be ordered via their appointed Homebuyer Solicitor.

Buyers Protect - With so many property deals failing this policy covers the majority of the Homebuyers purchase costs should they have to pull out through no fault of their own.

Flexi Smart Contingency House Insurance. Provides building insurance cover between exchange of contracts and completion for up to 28 days. A Lender requirement is that the Buyer has building insurance in their name, on cover on exchange of contracts.


0345 463 7664

Helping Homebuyers, Investors to get connected to an Independent Homebuyer Property Solicitor.

Read 12768 times Last modified on Thursday, 17 May 2018 18:13

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